新加坡的财富基金GIC向印度的亚洲保健控股公司投资1亿5千万美元,共计320万加元。 GIC, Singapore's wealth fund, invests $150M more in India's Asia Healthcare Holdings, totaling $320M.
新加坡主权财富基金GIC宣布向印度的亚洲保健控股公司(AHH)再投资1.5亿美元,使投资总额达到3.2亿美元。 Singapore's sovereign wealth fund, GIC, has announced an additional $150 million investment in India's Asia Healthcare Holdings (AHH), bringing their total investment to $320 million. AHH经营专门从事肿瘤学、母亲和儿童保育以及IVF等领域的医院,旨在将单一专业企业转变为一个统一的医疗保健系统。 AHH, which operates hospitals specializing in fields like oncology, mother & childcare, and IVF, aims to transform single-specialty enterprises into a cohesive healthcare system. GIC的投资突显了对印度保健部门的信心,其驱动力是城市化和收入增长。 GIC's investment underscores confidence in India's healthcare sector, driven by urbanization and rising incomes.