GIC长期任职的首席投资官Jeffrey Jaensubhakij在近30年后正在下台。 GIC’s long-serving Chief Investment Officer, Jeffrey Jaensubhakij, is stepping down after nearly 30 years.
作为全球最大主权财富基金之一的新加坡GIC首席投资官杰弗里·詹苏巴基将在近三十年的时间内辞职. Jeffrey Jaensubhakij, Chief Investment Officer of Singapore's GIC, one of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds, is stepping down after nearly three decades. 副集团CIO Group Bryan Yeo预计将于4月接任最高职务。 Deputy Group CIO Bryan Yeo is expected to take over the top role in April. 在Jaensubhakij任期内, GIC管理着约808亿美元,已扩展到房地产和未上市公司等替代投资。 GIC, managing an estimated $800.8 billion, has expanded into alternative investments like real estate and unlisted companies during Jaensubhakij's tenure.