印度Bajaj集团集团集团计划进入保健部门,在印度各地建立医院。 Indian conglomerate Bajaj Group plans to enter healthcare sector, establishing hospitals across India.
Bajaj Group是印度的一个联合企业,计划通过在印度全国建立医院进入保健部门。 Bajaj Group, an Indian conglomerate, plans to enter the healthcare sector by establishing hospitals across India. 这一行动是针对印度由于人口老化、非传染性疾病增加和保健的日益集体化而不断增长的保健需求而采取的。 The move is in response to the growing healthcare demand in India due to an ageing population, rise in non-communicable diseases, and increasing corporatization of healthcare. 投资计划尚未最后确定,但保健事业在孟买设立了一个办事处。 Investment plans have not been finalized yet, but the healthcare venture has set up an office in Mumbai. 这是自2022年Rahul Bajaj死亡以来本组织战略的第一次重大变革。 This marks the first major change in the organization's strategy since the death of Rahul Bajaj in 2022.