被杀害的活动家曼努埃尔·佩斯·特兰 (Manuel Paez Terán) 的家人起诉三名佐治亚州警察,称他在“警察城”抗议活动中死亡。 Family of slain activist Manuel Paez Terán sues three Georgia troopers for his death during "Cop City" protest.
2023 年 1 月,在抗议“警察城”培训中心时被佐治亚州警察开枪打死的 26 岁环保活动家曼努埃尔·佩斯·特兰 (Manuel Paez Terán) 的家人已对三名警官提起诉讼。 The family of Manuel Paez Terán, a 26-year-old environmental activist fatally shot by Georgia state troopers in January 2023 during a protest against the "Cop City" training center, has filed a lawsuit against three officers. 诉讼指控过度使用武力和违反第一和第四修正案。 The lawsuit alleges excessive force and violation of the First and Fourth Amendments. Paez Terán在一次“清扫行动”中被枪杀,当时士兵向他的帐篷里发射胡椒球,导致他死亡。 Paez Terán was shot during a "clearing operation" when troopers fired pepper balls into his tent, leading to his death. 家属对士兵的自卫主张提出异议,要求追究致命枪击事件的责任。 The family disputes the troopers' claim of self-defense and seeks accountability for the fatal shooting.