5 月 19 日,29 岁的 Steffon Nutall 在警察遭遇时抱着婴儿被枪杀后,起诉圣地亚哥市和警官 Gladysz 过度使用武力。 29-year-old Steffon Nutall sues San Diego city and Officer Gladysz for excessive force after being shot while holding infant during police encounter on May 19.
29 岁的 Steffon Nutal 正在起诉圣地亚哥市和警官 Robert Gladysz,此前他在 5 月 19 日与警方会面时抱着婴儿被枪杀。 Steffon Nutall, 29, is suing the city of San Diego and Officer Robert Gladysz after being shot while holding his infant during a police encounter on May 19. 努托尔声称武力过度,声称他在中弹时没有构成威胁,造成重伤。 Nutall alleges excessive force, claiming he posed no threat when he was shot, resulting in severe injuries. 他面临威胁其前女友和在事件之前绑架其孩子的指控,导致他住院和被捕。 He faces charges for threatening his ex-girlfriend and kidnapping their child prior to the incident, which led to his hospitalization and arrest.