一名女子在墨尔本骑自行车时遭到一名不明身份男子的袭击;警察寻求公众帮助。 A woman was attacked by an unknown man while biking in Melbourne; police seek public's help.
12月14日在墨尔本格伦罗伊骑自行车时,一名33岁的妇女遭到一名不明身份的中东部男子的袭击。 A 33-year-old woman was attacked by an unknown middle-eastern man while biking in Glenroy, Melbourne, on December 14. 袭击者被描述为40至50岁的男子,短发黑发和面部毛发,高162厘米,将她推下自行车,踢她,并追赶她。 The attacker, described as a 40-50-year-old man with short dark hair and facial hair, 162cm tall, pushed her off her bike, kicked her, and chased her. 她遭受了无生命危险伤害。 She sustained non-life-threatening injuries. 警方发布一个综合图像, 并敦促任何有信息的人 与犯罪阻截者联系。 Police released a composite image and are urging anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers.