美国房主的中位净值为400,000美元,而租房者为10,400美元,这凸显了财富差距。 US homeowners' median net worth is $400,000, vs. $10,400 for renters, highlighting wealth gap.
根据Aspen研究所的一份新报告,美国房主的中位净值为400 000美元,而租房者为10 400美元。 The median net worth of US homeowners is $400,000, compared to $10,400 for renters, according to a new Aspen Institute report. 由于房价暴涨,住房所有权作为传统上一个关键的财富建设工具越来越难以实现。 Homeownership, traditionally a key wealth-building tool, is becoming harder to achieve due to soaring home prices. 租房者面临财务挑战,如住房费用上涨、现金流动疲软和债务增加,而房主更有可能拥有股票和退休账户等其他资产。 Renters face financial challenges like higher housing costs, weaker cash flow, and more debt, while homeowners are more likely to own other assets like stocks and retirement accounts.