2名妇女在怀疑涉及超速的明尼阿波利斯失事事件中死亡,3人受伤。 Two women died and three were injured in a Minneapolis crash suspected to involve speeding.
星期五上午在明尼阿波利斯发生的一起致命事故涉及两辆汽车,造成两名妇女死亡,另外三人受伤,包括一名17岁男孩被一辆汽车撞到路边,撞到一辆公交车。 A fatal crash in Minneapolis on Friday morning involved two vehicles and resulted in the deaths of two women and injuries to three others, including a 17-year-old boy struck by a vehicle that veered off the road and hit a bus shelter. 另一辆车的乘客被送进医院,有危及生命的伤员。 The occupants of the other vehicle were hospitalized with life-threatening injuries. 警察嫌疑人的速度助长了事故,但没有逮捕任何人。 Police suspect speed contributed to the accident but have not made any arrests. Minneapolis警察局长Brian O'Hara强调了安全驾驶的重要性。 Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O'Hara stressed the importance of safe driving.