58岁的驾驶员死亡,68岁的乘客在威斯康星州Janesville因美国14号农场拖拉机坠毁而受伤。 58-year-old driver dies, 68-year-old passenger injured in US-14 crash with farm tractor in Janesville, Wisconsin.
在威斯康星州Janesville的美国14号公路发生两车撞车事件,造成一名58岁的司机从达林顿死亡,一名68岁的女乘客从同一城镇受伤。 A two-vehicle crash on U.S. Route 14 in Janesville, Wisconsin, resulted in the death of a 58-year-old driver from Darlington and injuries to a 68-year-old female passenger from the same town. 事故发生时,他们的汽车在洛克河上一座桥上撞上一辆拖拉机。 The accident occurred when their car collided with a farm tractor on a bridge over the Rock River. 司机在现场被宣布死亡,而乘客住院时受伤无生命危险。 The driver was pronounced dead at the scene, while the passenger was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 调查继续进行,14号公路关闭6小时。 The investigation continues, and Highway 14 was closed for six hours.