Hunter Tim Allan Schwartz, 28岁,死于MN的Windom附近的71号公路坠毁,没有系安全带。 Hunter Tim Allan Schwartz, 28, died in a crash on Highway 71 near Windom, MN, not wearing a seatbelt.
在明尼苏达州Windom附近的71号公路发生致命事故,造成28岁的Albert Lea居民Hunter Tim Allan Schwartz丧生,他当时驾驶一辆Kia SUV,没有系安全带。 A fatal crash on Highway 71 near Windom, Minnesota, killed 28-year-old Albert Lea resident Hunter Tim Allan Schwartz, who was driving a Kia SUV and not wearing a seatbelt. 这次碰撞涉及一辆Bick SUV,由Odin的42岁的Amy Sue Pigman驾驶,有三个12、13和14岁的儿童。 The collision involved a Buick SUV driven by 42-year-old Amy Sue Pigman of Odin, with three children aged 12, 13, and 14. Buick所有居住者均遭受无生命威胁的伤害。 All occupants of the Buick sustained non-life-threatening injuries. 事故发生时,道路又冷又下雪,酒精不是一个因素。 The road was icy and snowy at the time of the accident, with alcohol not being a factor.