保守党要求在自由党动荡中就关税举行众议院听证会,因为企业寻求澄清。 Tories demand House hearings on tariffs amid Liberal turmoil, as businesses seek clarity.
保守党要求议会就关税问题举行听证会, Tories are calling for House hearings on tariffs as Liberal turmoil continues, and businesses are seeking a clear strategy. 反对派辩称,这些听证会对于解决加拿大公司因关税波动而面临的不确定性是必要的。 The opposition argues that these hearings are necessary to address the uncertainty faced by Canadian firms due to fluctuating tariffs. 这是因为自由政府面临内部挑战,加剧了对贸易政策的混淆。 This comes as the Liberal government faces internal challenges, adding to the confusion over trade policies.