加拿大商业团体敦促政府采取行动,打击有害的钢铁和铝的关税。 Canadian business groups urge government action against harmful steel and aluminum tariffs.
加拿大商业团体敦促政府采取行动, 抵制目前对钢铁和铝的关税。 Business groups in Canada are urging the government to take action against the ongoing tariffs on steel and aluminum, which they say are harming the country's economy. 这些集团辩称,其他国家征收的关税正在伤害加拿大出口商和消费者。 These groups argue that the tariffs, imposed by other countries, are hurting Canadian exporters and consumers. 他们呼吁采取外交和贸易措施,以解决这一问题并寻求救济。 They are calling for diplomatic and trade measures to address the issue and seek relief.