加拿大官员与美国会面,讨论对加拿大钢铁和铝出口征收潜在关税的问题。 Canadian officials met with U.S. to discuss potential tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum exports.
加拿大外交部长和财政部长会见了包括威尔伯·罗斯(Wilbur Ross)在内的美国官员,讨论了对加拿大出口可能征收关税的担忧。 Canadian foreign and finance ministers met with U.S. officials, including Wilbur Ross, to discuss concerns over potential tariffs on Canadian exports. 此次会议旨在防止对两国的贸易关系和经济产生负面影响,因为人们担心美国可能会对钢铁和铝进口征收关税。 The meeting aims to prevent negative impacts on trade relations and the economies of both countries, following worries that the U.S. might impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. 讨论没有宣布具体结果。 No specific outcomes were announced from the discussions.