艾伯塔省政府正在进行外交会谈,以避免对该省经济构成威胁的外国关税。 Alberta's government is in diplomatic talks to avoid foreign tariffs that threaten the province's economy.
艾伯塔省政府正在做出重大外交努力,防止可能损害该省经济的外国关税。 Alberta's government is making significant diplomatic efforts to prevent foreign tariffs that could harm the province's economy. 领导人正在努力维持贸易关系,尽管没有提供具体的国家和关税详情。 Leaders are working hard to maintain trade relations, though specific countries and tariff details are not provided. 复杂的谈判突出了艾伯塔省在保护经济利益方面面临的挑战。 The complex negotiations highlight the challenges Alberta faces in protecting its economic interests.