数人在警方拘留期间死亡,归因于有争议的病症“兴奋性谵妄”。 Several people died in police custody, attributed to the disputed condition "excited delirium."
有几人在被警方拘留期间死亡,他们的死亡归因于一种被称为兴奋性谵妄的有争议的情况。 Several individuals have died while in police custody, with their deaths attributed to a controversial condition known as excited delirium. 这种现象虽然存在争议,但一些专家认为这种现象是真实的,并且经常在涉及过度武力或逮捕期间死亡的案件中被引用。 This phenomenon, though disputed, is considered real by some experts and is often cited in cases involving excessive force or deaths during arrests.