男子在卡尔加里酒店发生骚乱后在警方拘留期间死亡,ASIRT 正在调查。 Man dies in police custody after disturbance at Calgary hotel, ASIRT investigating.
一名男子在卡尔加里警方拘留期间在卡拉奇豪斯酒店发生骚乱后死亡. A man died in police custody in Calgary after a disturbance at the Carriage House Hotel. 军官试图缓和局势,但在他保持战斗状态时使用泰瑟枪和胡椒喷雾剂。 Officers tried to de-escalate the situation but resorted to using a Taser and pepper spray when he remained combative. 被捕后,他遭受了医疗痛苦,在紧急医疗努力下死亡。 After his arrest, he experienced medical distress and died despite emergency medical efforts. 艾伯塔严重事件应对小组正在调查这一事件,目前正在调查中。 The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team is investigating the incident, which is ongoing.