警方对被拘留者使用镇静剂的 15 年做法导致至少 94 人死亡。 15-year practice of police using sedatives on detained individuals led to at least 94 deaths.
警方对被拘留者使用镇静剂已有 15 年历史,这一做法已在美国各地蔓延,其依据的科学性值得怀疑,并得到亲警察专家的支持。 15-year-old practice of using sedatives on detained individuals by police has spread across the US, based on questionable science and supported by police-aligned experts. 2012 年至 2021 年间,至少有 94 人因被警方注射镇静剂并制服而死亡。 At least 94 deaths occurred between 2012 and 2021 after individuals were given sedatives and restrained by police. 这占到被警察以非致命方式制服的人员死亡总数的 1,000 多起中的近 10%。 This accounts for nearly 10% of the over 1,000 deaths related to people subdued by police in non-fatal ways. 批评人士认为,镇静剂并非致命剂,而警察力量往往是导致或加剧这些死亡的原因。 Critics argue that sedatives are not meant to be lethal, and police force often contributed to or caused these deaths.