由于人们态度的转变,科罗拉多州和加利福尼亚州颁布了禁令,英国也将 IOPC 从事件表格中删除,因此 2025 年计划发布的有关“兴奋性谵妄”的医疗指导更新加速。 2025-scheduled medical guidance update on "excited delirium" accelerated due to changing attitudes, with Colorado, California bans and UK's IOPC removal from incident forms.
由于人们态度的转变,有关“兴奋性谵妄”的医学指导(与警察拘留期间死亡有关的术语)将比 2025 年的计划提前更新。 Medical guidance on "excited delirium," a term linked to police custody deaths, is set to be updated earlier than its 2025 schedule due to changing attitudes. 科罗拉多州和加利福尼亚州已禁止使用该标志,英国独立警察行为办公室已将其从事件记录表中删除。 Colorado and California have banned its use, and the UK's Independent Office of Police Conduct has removed it from incident forms. 这一术语于 20 世纪 80 年代提出,但尚未找到可靠的医学依据。 No reliable medical basis has been found for the term, which was coined in the 1980s.