新研究显示海豚在玩耍期间模仿对方的“微笑”, New study reveals dolphins mimic each other's "smiles" during play, suggesting complex social communication.
新的研究表明,瓶鼻海豚在玩耍时用微笑般的表情张开嘴,特别是在其他海豚面前。 New research shows that bottlenose dolphins open their mouths in a smile-like expression when playing, especially when in sight of other dolphins. 这项研究拍摄了22只海豚80小时, 发现海豚迅速模仿对方的开口口表情, 如果被看见的话,在一秒内模仿的机率是13倍。 This study, which filmed 22 dolphins for 80 hours, found dolphins mimic each other's open-mouth expressions rapidly, with a 13 times higher chance of mimicking within a second if seen. 这项研究利用AI和眼睛跟踪,突出了视觉提示在海豚社会互动中的重要性,并提出了复杂的交流方法。 The research, using AI and eye-tracking, highlights the importance of visual cues in dolphin social interactions and suggests complex communication methods.