研究揭示了座头鲸使用与人类语言相似的模式进行沟通。 Study reveals humpback whales communicate using patterns similar to human language.
研究人员发现 座头鲸和人类在沟通中 有着类似的模式 遵循齐普夫的法律 Researchers have found that humpback whales and humans share a similar pattern in their communication, following Zipf's law. 这种统计模式规定,最常用的声音或文字的使用频率高于较不常见的声音或文字的使用频率,在鲸鱼8年的记录中就观察到了这一统计模式。 This statistical pattern, which dictates that the most common sounds or words are used more frequently than less common ones, was observed in eight years of whale recordings. 这一发现表明鲸鱼可以学习他们的歌曲, 类似人类学习语言的方式, 质疑结构沟通是人类独有的观念。 The discovery suggests that whales may learn their songs similarly to how humans learn language, challenging the idea that structured communication is unique to humans.