科学家发现海豚有特殊的舌受体 来检测牛奶中的养分 Scientists discover dolphins have special tongue receptors to detect nutrients in milk.
研究者发现 幼年的瓶鼻海豚 舌头上有特殊的受体 有助于他们检测和分解母亲奶中的脂肪酸 Researchers have found that juvenile bottlenose dolphins have specialized receptors on their tongues that help them detect and break down fatty acids in their mother's milk. 这些受体位于舌后V形的一排,通过帮助海豚评估其食物的营养价值,可能给海豚带来进化边缘。 Located in a V-shaped row at the back of the tongue, these receptors may give dolphins an evolutionary edge by helping them assess the nutritional value of their food. 这一发现发表在《海洋哺乳动物科学》中,可导致进一步深入了解海洋哺乳动物的感官能力及其喂养行为。 This discovery, published in Marine Mammal Science, could lead to further insights into marine mammals' sensory capabilities and their feeding behaviors.