爱尔兰的 CeADAR 中心利用卫星数据为高风险地区开发基于人工智能的早期洪水预警系统。 Ireland's CeADAR centre develops AI-based early flood warning system using satellite data for high-risk areas.
爱尔兰应用人工智能中心 (CeADAR) 的研究人员正在开发人工智能预警系统,以帮助预测和减轻高危社区的严重洪水。 Researchers at Ireland's Centre for Applied AI, CeADAR, are developing an AI early warning system to help predict and mitigate severe flooding in at-risk communities. 该项目利用欧洲航天局 Sentinel-1 卫星收集的数据绘制历史洪水事件地图,并创建一个人工智能模型,可以准确预测未来 20 米范围内的洪水。 The project uses data collected by the European Space Agency's Sentinel-1 satellite to map historical flooding events and create an AI model that accurately predicts future flooding, up to a distance of 20 meters. 该系统旨在为社区提供大雨期间的早期预警,使地方当局能够采取必要的紧急措施并保护家庭、企业和牲畜。 The system aims to provide communities with early warnings during periods of heavy rain, allowing local authorities to take necessary emergency measures and protect homes, businesses, and livestock.