印度副州长警告“现在买,以后付,”趋势正在损害青年的储蓄。 Indian deputy governor warns "buy now, pay later" trends are harming youth savings.
印度储备银行副行长迈克尔·德巴布拉塔·帕特拉警告说,“现在买,以后付”计划和信用卡正在减少青年储蓄。 The Reserve Bank of India's Deputy Governor, Michael Debabrata Patra, warns that "buy now, pay later" schemes and credit cards are reducing youth savings. 这些金融趋势对决策者构成新的挑战,包括债务升级和金融知识水平低的风险。 These financial trends pose new challenges for policymakers, including risks of debt escalation and low financial literacy. Patra建议各中央银行采用先进的模型和压力测试来适应变化,以管理数字金融技术的影响。 Patra suggests central banks adapt by using advanced models and stress tests to manage the impact of digital financial technologies.