登山者从山上获救 Bierstadt的鞋子冻僵后, 突出为远足者提供安全提示。 Hiker rescued from Mt. Bierstadt after his shoes froze, highlighting safety tips for hikers.
科罗拉多州的一个远足者 被从山里救出 A hiker in Colorado was rescued from Mt. 比耶施塔特的鞋后冻结了固体,阻止他移动。 Bierstadt after his shoes froze solid, preventing him from moving. 救援人员发现他使用闪光灯,在他父亲拨打911后,他没有在规定时间内返回。 Rescuers found him using a flashing light he had, after his father called 911 when he did not return by a set time. 当局强调共享计划、包装额外层层和在远足期间携带安全光源的重要性。 Authorities stressed the importance of sharing plans, packing extra layers, and carrying a light source for safety during hikes.