Grieg Seafood在温哥华岛的一个渔场溢出大约8 000升柴油,促使清理工作开始。 Grieg Seafood spilled about 8,000 liters of diesel at a Vancouver Island fish farm, prompting cleanup efforts.
Grieg Seafood的燃料转移错误导致12月14日在温哥华岛Zeballos附近的一个渔场溢出大约8 000公升柴油。 A fuel transfer error by Grieg Seafood led to the spill of about 8,000 liters of diesel at a fish farm near Zeballos, Vancouver Island, on December 14. 环境紧急情况处已接到通知,在原住民和海岸警卫队的协助下,清理工作正在进行中。 The Environmental Emergency Branch was notified, and cleanup efforts are underway with assistance from First Nations and the Coast Guard. Ehattesaht第一民族因泄漏而关闭了该地区的蛤类采集。 The Ehattesaht First Nation has closed clam harvesting in the area due to the spill.