欧盟对中国EV的关税削减了其在欧洲的销售量,但中国的国内市场仍在增长。 EU tariffs on Chinese EVs slash their sales in Europe, but China's domestic market still grows.
欧盟对中国电动车辆的关税导致欧洲中国电动车辆销售量大幅下降,市场份额和注册量下降。 The EU's tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) have led to a significant drop in Chinese EV sales in Europe, with market share and registrations declining. 在调查发现不公平补贴之后,征收的关税使进口更加昂贵。 The tariffs, imposed after an investigation found unfair subsidies, have made imports more costly. 尽管存在这些挑战,中国汽车制造商仍在探索欧洲的本地化生产,尽管这将需要时间。 Despite these challenges, Chinese automakers are exploring localized production in Europe, though this will take time. 与此同时,中国的EV市场预计将继续增长,尽管面临出口挑战,但国内销售量却在上升。 Meanwhile, China's EV market is expected to continue growing, with domestic sales rising despite export challenges.