东部那加兰集团暂时同意印度关于半自治领土的计划。 Eastern Nagaland group tentatively agrees to Indian plan for semi-autonomous territory.
东部纳加兰人民组织 (ENPO) 暂时接受印度政府提出的边境纳加兰领土 (FNT) 提案, The Eastern Nagaland People's Organisation (ENPO) has tentatively accepted the Indian government's proposal for a Frontier Nagaland Territory (FNT) that would grant six eastern districts executive, legislative, and financial autonomy. 这项决定是在12月13日ENPO、印度政府和那加兰政府三方会议后作出的。 This decision came after a tripartite meeting between ENPO, the Indian government, and the Nagaland government on December 13. 下一轮会谈定于2025年1月举行,以处理未决问题。 The next round of talks is set for January 2025 to address unresolved issues. 自2010年以来,ENPO一直推动FNT代表七个落后部落。 ENPO has been pushing for the FNT since 2010 to represent seven backward tribes.