Nagaland州州长提供最新资料, 说明州为解决政治问题所做的努力, 以及初创企业(GST注册)的进展。 Nagaland Governor updates on state's efforts to resolve political issues and progress on startups, GST registration.
Nagaland州长拉加内桑(La Ganesan)强调该州正在努力解决Naga政治问题。 Nagaland Governor La Ganesan highlighted the state's ongoing efforts to resolve the Naga political issue. 11月, 首席部长里欧(Neiphiu Rio)会见联合内政部长阿米特·沙阿(Amit Shah), 讨论人民希望迅速解决问题的愿望。 Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio met Union Home Minister Amit Shah in November to discuss the people's desire for a quick resolution. 国家已向内政部提交了对《解决备忘录》第三稿的评论意见。 The state has submitted comments on the third draft of the Memorandum of Settlement to the Ministry of Home Affairs. Ganesan还指出,在Nagaland Startup门户等举措方面取得了进展,并努力实施基于生物鉴别技术的Aadhaar认证,以便进行全球科技登记。 Ganesan also noted progress on initiatives like the Nagaland Startup Portal and efforts to implement biometric-based Aadhaar authentication for GST registration.