纳加兰就新的领土当局草案提出评论意见,支持东部各区单独设立一个实体。 Nagaland submits comments on the draft for a new territorial authority, supporting a separate entity for eastern districts.
纳加兰政府就拟议的纳加兰边境领土管理局(FNTA)备忘录草案向中央政府提交了评论意见,该备忘录涵盖东部地区。 The Nagaland government has submitted its comments to the central government on the draft memorandum for the proposed Frontier Nagaland Territorial Authority (FNTA), covering eastern districts. 这些评论得到国家内阁的批准,也赞同东那加兰人民组织根据《宪法》第371(A)条要求设立一个单独实体的请求。 The comments, approved by the state cabinet, also endorse the Eastern Nagaland People's Organisation's request for a separate entity under Article 371(A) of the Constitution. FNTA将有49名成员,其中42名经选举产生,7名被提名。 The FNTA would have 49 members, with 42 elected and 7 nominated.