Nagaland部长Temjen Imna针对ENPO关于建立独立州的要求,提出了一份关于边境的Nagaland地区草案。 Nagaland Minister Temjen Imna proposes a draft on Frontier Nagaland Territory in response to ENPO's demand for a separate state.
作为对东部纳加兰人民组织 (ENPO) 独立国家要求的回应, 纳加兰邦部长泰姆珍·伊姆纳 (Temjen Imna) 宣布了对边境纳加兰领土 (FNT) 拟议草案的计划. Nagaland Minister Temjen Imna, a BJP leader, announced plans for a draft proposal on the Frontier Nagaland Territory (FNT) in response to demands from the Eastern Nagaland People's Organisation (ENPO) for a separate state. 他敦促ENPO和东那加兰立法者联盟(ENLU)在与政府接触之前会晤并讨论可行的备选方案。 He urged ENPO and the Eastern Nagaland Legislators' Union (ENLU) to meet and discuss feasible options before approaching the government. 州政府强调,这些群体之间必须团结一致,以有效解决这一问题。 The state government emphasizes the need for unity among these groups to effectively address the issue.