Dancer Michael Flatley否认拖欠560万欧元的贷款 为了保住他的城堡豪宅而战 Dancer Michael Flatley denies defaulting on a €5.6M loan, fighting to keep his Castlehyde mansion.
Michael Flatley, 以“Riverdance”和“舞蹈之王”著称, 否认他的电影公司Blackbird电影制片有限公司(Blackbird Productions Ltd. Lender Novelllus Finance Ltd)拖欠560万欧元的贷款, Michael Flatley, known for "Riverdance" and "Lord of the Dance," denies defaulting on a €5.6 million loan for his film company, Blackbird Film Productions Ltd. Lender Novellus Finance Ltd claims a default and sought to appoint a receiver over Flatley's Castlehyde mansion. Flatley获得了高等法院的一项禁止令,以阻止这种情况发生,并正在就指称的过失错报和其他索赔要求寻求损害赔偿。 Flatley obtained a High Court injunction to block this and is seeking damages for alleged negligent misstatement and other claims. 该案正移交商事法院。 The case is moving to the Commercial Court.