Dancer Michael Flatley对将他的Cork官邸的3000万欧元保险索赔提交仲裁的裁决提出上诉。 Dancer Michael Flatley appeals ruling to send his €30M insurance claim for his Cork mansion to arbitration.
Michael Flatley, 以“舞蹈之王”著称, 正在上诉法官的决定, 将他3000万欧元的保险要求 提交仲裁。 Michael Flatley, known for "Lord of the Dance," is appealing a judge's decision to send his €30 million insurance claim dispute over his Cork mansion to arbitration. Flatley辩称,高等法院超越了其管辖权,未能考虑他作为消费者的权利及其诉诸法庭的权利。 Flatley argues the High Court overstepped its jurisdiction and failed to consider his rights as a consumer and his right to court access. 该案件不久将由上诉法院审理。 The case will be heard by the Court of Appeal soon.