来自一个造纸厂的黑酒 在缅因州的鲁姆福德引发了棕色雪 引发了接触警告 Black liquor from a paper mill caused brown snow in Rumford, Maine, prompting contact warnings.
在缅因州的Rumford, 棕色雪落在一个造纸厂释放的黑酒之后, 这是纸制生产的副产品。 In Rumford, Maine, brown snow fell after a paper mill released black liquor, a byproduct of paper production. 虽然不有毒,但该物质的pH值较高可能会刺激皮肤,促使官员警告居民避免直接接触。 Though not toxic, the substance's high pH level could irritate skin, prompting officials to warn residents to avoid direct contact. 磨坊厂同意资助进一步的测试,并建议学校不让儿童进入受影响地区。 The mill agreed to fund further testing, and schools were advised to keep children away from the affected areas. 预计雨水会冲走该物质。 Rain was expected to wash the substance away.