缅因州一家造纸厂的故障造成棕色雪,因为释放了无毒、皮肤刺激的副产品。 A paper mill malfunction in Maine caused brown snow due to a release of non-toxic, skin-irritating byproduct.
缅因州伦福德一家造纸厂发生故障,在释放废黑酒(一种无毒但皮肤刺激的副产品)后,某些地区降下棕色雪。 A malfunction at a paper mill in Rumford, Maine, caused brown snow to fall in some areas after the release of spent black liquor, a non-toxic but skin-irritating byproduct. 该镇建议居民不要让儿童和宠物受到雪的侵袭,预计大雨会很快冲走该物质。 The town advised residents to keep children and pets away from the affected snow, and heavy rain is expected to wash away the substance soon. 磨坊已经解决了这个问题,官员们将采集样本进行分析。 The mill has fixed the issue, and officials will take samples for analysis.