阿布扎比主办阿拉伯区域数字投资和可持续发展问题讲习班。 Abu Dhabi hosts workshop on digital investment and sustainable development in the Arab region.
阿布扎比主办了一个由阿拉伯国家联盟和阿拉伯数字经济联合会组织的阿拉伯区域可持续数字投资讲习班。 Abu Dhabi hosted a workshop on sustainable digital investment in the Arab region, organized by the League of Arab States and the Arab Federation for Digital Economy. 这次活动讨论了数字转型举措、基础设施投资以及推动私人和外国对数字项目投资的途径。 The event discussed digital transformation initiatives, infrastructure investments, and ways to boost private and foreign investment in digital projects. 同时举行的一次会议重点讨论可持续发展议题,包括消除阿拉伯区域饥饿和筹资问题。 A concurrent meeting focused on sustainable development topics, including hunger elimination and financing in the Arab region.