爱沙尼亚信通技术贸易特派团加强了爱沙尼亚与阿联酋之间的数字经济协作。 Estonian ICT Trade Mission enhances digital economy collaboration between Estonia and UAE.
爱沙尼亚和阿联酋通过爱沙尼亚信通技术贸易特派团加强了它们在数字经济方面的合作。 Estonia and the UAE have enhanced their collaboration in the digital economy through an Estonian ICT Trade Mission. 该倡议力求确定投资机会,并学习阿联酋主要的信通技术做法。 The initiative seeks to identify investment opportunities and learn from the UAE's leading ICT practices. 阿联酋的信通技术市场预计到2029年将达到2840亿阿联酋第纳尔,而爱沙尼亚的目标是到2024年底实现完全数字化,强调相互增长和创新。 The UAE's ICT market is expected to reach AED 284 billion by 2029, while Estonia aims for full digitalization by the end of 2024, emphasizing mutual growth and innovation.