埃及科技部长会见世界银行副总裁, 提升埃及的数字基础设施和技能。 Egypt's tech minister meets World Bank VP to boost Egypt's digital infrastructure and skills.
埃及通信和信息技术部长会见了世界银行负责数字转型的副行长,讨论加强埃及的数字基础设施和技能。 Egypt's Minister of Communications and Information Technology met with the World Bank’s Vice President for Digital Transformation to discuss enhancing digital infrastructure and skills in Egypt. 他们侧重于改进互联网服务,用光纤取代旧电缆,并使政府服务数字化。 They focused on improving internet services, replacing old cables with fiber optics, and digitizing government services. 会议强调了合作的成功以及扩大互联网接入和发展数据中心的未来计划。 The meeting highlighted collaboration successes and future plans to expand internet access and develop data centers.