联合王国扶轮社利用纳税人的钱,使圣诞节晚餐在粮食安全关切下更加健康、更加可持续。 UKRI uses taxpayer money to make Christmas dinners healthier and more sustainable amid food security concerns.
联合王国研究和创新协会(UKRI)正在利用纳税人基金,使圣诞晚餐更可持续、更健康。 The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is using taxpayer funds to make Christmas dinners more sustainable and healthier. 在各种理事会的支持下,这些项目包括开发替代蛋白质、生物工程土豆和减少牲畜抗生素使用的方法。 Supported by various councils, the projects include developing alternative proteins, bioengineered potatoes, and methods to reduce antibiotic use in livestock. 这些倡议旨在应对气候变化和环境恶化对粮食安全构成的风险。 These initiatives aim to address the risks to food security posed by climate change and environmental decline.