调查显示,许多英国购物者认为二手礼品是深思熟虑的个人礼物。 Survey shows many British shoppers see second-hand gifts as thoughtful and personal.
在最近的一次调查中,来自德比郡、诺丁汉郡、诺森伯兰和Tyne & Wear的大量顾客报告说,二手礼品被认为是最周到和最原始的礼物。 In a recent survey, a significant number of shoppers from Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Northumberland, and Tyne & Wear reported that second-hand gifts are considered the most thoughtful and original presents. 来自德比郡和诺丁汉郡的大约三分之一的受访者,以及来自诺森伯兰和泰恩和怀尔的半数受访者认为,预恋物品是高度浪漫和个人物品。 Around one-third of respondents from Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, and half from Northumberland and Tyne & Wear, view pre-loved items as highly romantic and personal.