NielsenIQ调查显示,80%的人计划在2025年购买天然钻石首饰作为礼品。 NielsenIQ survey reveals 80% plan to buy natural diamond jewelry as gifts in 2025.
最近对1 300多名受访者进行的NielsenIQ调查显示,90%的人计划在2025年购买礼品,80%的人打算购买天然钻石首饰。 A recent NielsenIQ survey of over 1,300 respondents shows that 90% plan to buy gifts in 2025, with 80% intending to purchase natural diamond jewelry. 天然钻石因其稀有性和质量而备受珍视,85%的消费者赞赏这些方面。 Natural diamonds are highly valued for their rarity and quality, with 85% of consumers appreciating these aspects. 珠宝是首选礼品,由67%的受访者选择,其次是旅行和时装配件。 Jewelry is the top gifting preference, chosen by 67% of respondents, followed by travel and fashion accessories. 经典的4C克拉、颜色、清晰度和切割是72%消费者在购买钻石时的首要考虑。 The classic 4Cs—carat, color, clarity, and cut—are the primary considerations for 72% of consumers when buying diamonds.