巴基斯坦法官强调气候融资的必要性,以应对气候变化在巴基斯坦的严重影响。 Pakistani judge stresses need for climate finance to combat severe effects of climate change in Pakistan.
巴基斯坦最高法院高级法官Mansoor Ali Shah法官强调,迫切需要气候融资和强有力的治理,以消除巴基斯坦在气候变化面前的脆弱性。 巴基斯坦是全球排名第八的最严重的国家。 Senior Pakistani Supreme Court judge, Justice Mansoor Ali Shah, highlighted the urgent need for climate finance and robust governance to combat Pakistan's vulnerability to climate change, which ranks as the 8th worst globally. Shah在拉合尔大学强调实施气候融资和自然融资的重要性,指出气候变化对橙色生产的严重影响,Kinnow的产量预计将下降35%。 At a Lahore university, Shah stressed the importance of implementing climate finance and nature finance, noting the severe impact of climate change on orange production, with Kinnow production expected to drop by 35%. 尽管存在行政挑战,他赞扬政府的国际努力,但批评国内缺乏进展。 Despite administrative challenges, he commended the government's international efforts but criticized the lack of progress domestically.