巴基斯坦气候官方呼吁制定性别包容战略,以应对气候变化。 Pakistani climate official calls for gender-inclusive strategies to combat climate change.
巴基斯坦总理气候变化事务协调员罗米娜·库尔希德·阿拉姆强调,有必要制定兼顾性别的战略,以应对洪水和热浪等气候变化影响。 The Coordinator to Prime Minister on Climate Change in Pakistan, Romina Khurshid Alam, highlighted the need for gender-inclusive strategies to tackle climate change impacts like floods and heat waves. 她强调必须增强妇女的能力,赋予她们技能和资源,以领导气候抗御努力。 She stressed the importance of empowering women with skills and resources to lead in climate resilience efforts. 阿拉姆会见了妇女署代表团,并保证支持绿色技术枢纽,这是一个旨在促进可再生能源、废物管理和可持续农业创新的平台。 Alam met with a UN-Women delegation and assured support for the Green Tech Hub, a platform aimed at fostering innovation in renewable energy, waste management, and sustainable agriculture.