土著美洲病人由于联邦政府应承担的未偿医疗债务而面临信用损失。 Native American patients face credit damage due to unresolved medical debts the federal government should cover.
美洲土著病人由于联邦政府根据购买/转诊护理方案应承担的债务而面临信贷损失和财政困难,该方案支付印度保健服务诊所无法提供的保健服务费用。 Native American patients are facing credit damage and financial hardships due to debts that the federal government should cover under the Purchased/Referred Care program, which pays for healthcare services not available through Indian Health Service clinics. 一份联邦报告发现,这些病人收取医疗债务的可能性几乎是这些病人的两倍,其数额要高得多。 A federal report found these patients are nearly twice as likely to have medical debts in collections, with higher amounts. 旨在解决这一问题的两项法案:《购买和转移护理改善法》和《保护美洲土著信贷法》。 Two bills aim to address this: the Purchased and Referred Care Improvement Act and the Protecting Native Americans’ Credit Act. 印度保健服务处还正在制作一个仪表板,以改进账单的跟踪和处理。 The Indian Health Service is also working on a dashboard to improve tracking and processing of bills.