保险人拒绝为弱势病人群体提供预防性护理,造成保健方面的差异。 Insurers deny preventive care claims for vulnerable patient groups, contributing to healthcare disparities.
最近的两项研究表明,承保人拒绝根据《负担得起的护理法》要求免费的预防性护理要求,这对亚洲、黑人和西班牙裔病人以及低收入者的影响格外严重。 Two recent studies reveal that insurers are denying claims for preventive care mandated to be free under the Affordable Care Act, disproportionately affecting Asian, Black, and Hispanic patients, as well as those with low incomes. 马萨诸塞州Amherst大学的研究表明,这些否认导致意外费用和不公平的护理机会。 Research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst shows that these denials lead to unexpected costs and inequitable access to care. 调查结果突出表明了保健系统中持续存在的差距,因此有必要改善所有人口群体获得保健的机会。 The findings highlight ongoing disparities in the healthcare system, necessitating improved access for all demographics.