日本为亚洲医科学生推出奖学金方案,以推广其医疗技术和药品。 Japan launches scholarship program for Asian medical students to promote its medical tech and pharmaceuticals.
日本卫生、劳动和福利部计划为2026年开始在日本学习医学的约20名亚洲学生提供奖学金,以支付学费和生活费用。 Japan's Health, Labour, and Welfare Ministry plans to offer scholarships covering tuition and living expenses for about 20 Asian students studying medicine in Japan starting in 2026. 该倡议旨在在亚洲推广日本的医疗技术和药物。 The initiative aims to promote Japanese medical technology and pharmaceuticals in Asia. 学生将接受为期六年的日语培训和学习。 Students will receive Japanese language training and study for six years. 教育部已为该方案拨款2.9亿日元,该方案将在试行的基础上开始。 The ministry has allocated 290 million yen for this program, which will begin on a trial basis. 诸如符合资格的国家和甄选过程等细节将在以后确定。 Details like eligible countries and selection processes will be determined later.