医学实习生补助金为医学生提供 26,756 美元的津贴。 Medical Trainee Intern Grants provide a $26,756 stipend for medical students.
医疗实习生补助金支付给奥塔哥大学和奥克兰大学,为国内医学生在第六年的学习期间作为实习生提供津贴。 Medical Trainee Intern Grants, paid to the University of Otago and the University of Auckland, provide a stipend for domestic medical students working as interns during their sixth year of study. 每位学生可获得 26,756 美元(免消费税)的为期 12 个月的实习补助金,大多数学生分 12 个月获得补助金。 Each student receives a $26,756 (GST exempt) grant for a 12-month internship, with most students receiving the grant in 12 monthly payments. 大学报告支付助学金的学生人数,并由高等教育委员会进行监测。 Universities report on the number of students paid the grants, and monitoring is conducted by the Tertiary Education Commission.