澳大利亚首都地区一名警官在被捕时被一名嫌疑人射出的箭射中,射中了澳大利亚首都地区一名警官的近距离。 An ACT police officer in Australia was narrowly missed by an arrow fired by a suspect during an arrest.
一名澳大利亚首都地区警察在澳大利亚被捕时被箭箭射中,该警官保持平静,继续行动。 An ACT police officer was narrowly hit by an arrow during an arrest in Australia, with the officer remaining calm and continuing the operation. 嫌犯在被捕前发射了第二支箭。 The suspect fired a second arrow before being apprehended. 该名男子被控使用进攻性武器和其他罪行,被判处22个月徒刑。 The man was charged with using an offensive weapon and other offenses, receiving a 22-month sentence. 警方强调每天面临的风险,强调不得对警员使用暴力的重要性。 Police emphasized the risks faced daily and the importance of not using violence against officers.