9月23日,在土耳其伊斯坦布尔的一次摩托车盗窃逮捕中,一名19岁的嫌疑人杀害了一名警官,打伤了另外三人。 19-year-old suspect killed a police officer and injured three others in Istanbul, Turkey on September 23, during a motorcycle theft arrest.
9月23日在土耳其伊斯坦布尔,一名警察在一次枪战中被打死,另外3人受伤,其中包括袭击者。 On September 23 in Istanbul, Turkey, a police officer was killed in a gunfight, and three others, including the attacker, were injured. 这一事件在Umraniye区发生,当时一名19岁的嫌疑犯因偷摩托车被捕,在被捕期间开枪并缴获一名警官的武器。 The incident unfolded in the Umraniye district when a 19-year-old suspect, apprehended for motorcycle theft, opened fire and seized an officer’s weapon during his arrest. 值得注意的是,袭击者在这一事件之前曾犯过26起刑事罪。 Notably, the attacker had a history of 26 criminal offenses prior to this event.