一场龙卷风袭击了加利福尼亚州的斯科特斯山谷,造成汽车翻转、停电和数人受伤。 A tornado hit Scotts Valley, California, causing car flips, power outages, and several injuries.
周六下午1点40分左右, 龙卷风袭击加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯附近的斯科特斯谷, 翻车、停电线路, 造成数人受伤。 A tornado struck Scotts Valley, California, near Santa Cruz, on Saturday around 1:40 p.m., flipping cars, downing power lines, and causing several injuries. 国家气象局根据视频、照片和雷达确认了龙卷风。 The National Weather Service confirmed the tornado based on videos, photos, and radar. 没有死亡的报告。 No deaths were reported. 暴风雨是影响加利福尼亚北部的强大冬季系统的一部分,造成大面积停电和旅行中断。 The storm was part of a powerful winter system affecting Northern California, causing widespread power outages and travel disruptions.