邮局计划关闭115个分支机构,包括罗姆西的一个分支机构,引起当地抗议,要求政府干预。 Post Office plans to close 115 branches, including one in Romsey, spark local protests for government intervention.
邮局在关闭115个分支机构(包括罗姆西的一个分支机构)的计划不明确,因此面临批评。 The Post Office faces criticism over its unclear plans for closing 115 branches, including one in Romsey. 当地议员和罗姆西和南安普敦北区议员呼吁政府进行干预,防止关闭,认为损失会破坏当地社区和企业。 Local councillors and the MP for Romsey and Southampton North have called for government intervention to prevent the closures, arguing the loss would devastate local communities and businesses. 尽管暴风雨扰乱了即将举行的活动的准备工作,但议员对社区集会仍持乐观态度。 Despite storms disrupting preparations for upcoming events, the MP remains optimistic about community gatherings.